Effective as of April 2024, this Privacy Notice complements the details outlined in the Demand Solutions LLC Privacy Policy. Our company regularly revises and enhances this Notice to align with evolving privacy laws and our practices concerning your personal information. Any modifications to this Notice will be communicated through updates on our website and revisions to the effective date.
Canada’s Anti - Spam Legislation (CASL)

This document outlines Demand Solutions LLC's policy and procedures to ensure compliance with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) regarding the dissemination of commercial electronic messages (CEMs) to clients and prospective clients in Canada. Demand Solutions LLC is committed to adhering to CASL requirements to prevent damaging and deceptive spam practices within Canada.

The Demand Solutions LLC Anti-Spam Policy (the “Anti-Spam Policy”) and related procedures (the “CASL Procedures”) mandate that all employees sending CEMs from and/or to a computer system(s) in Canada comply with CASL. This includes ensuring that all CEMs sent by or on behalf of Demand Solutions LLC, or using a Demand Solutions LLC email address or device, adhere to CASL regulations.

This Policy applies to Demand Solutions LLC employees involved in sending CEMs from and/or to a computer system(s) in Canada or to electronic addresses accessed from Canada. Demand Solutions LLC has adopted the Anti-Spam Policy to comply with CASL requirements, and all other policies and procedures are interpreted in a manner consistent with this Policy to promote CASL compliance.

Demand Solutions LLC obtains express, opt-in consent before sending CEMs to individuals who have not had an existing business relationship within the past two years. Express, opt-in consent is also obtained for sending CEMs to prospective clients. Consent requests are separate from other communications and must be documented in a database.

Demand Solutions LLC maintains records of client and prospective client relationships, including verifiable records of implied and express consent, in a Client Relationship Management (CRM) system. These records are retained for a minimum of three years after ceasing to send CEMs to the client or prospect.
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